God's Laws and Man-made laws : Readers' Responses
From www.Malvu.org
Is Islamic State one with no hunger or with no limbs [of their citizens]. What is “State” and what is “religion?”
An Islamic state where there is no hunger (and anything that weighs down on the human persons and their dignity) is far different from another where some of the citizens lose their hands as punishment because they are forced to steal out of hunger. The two states are miles apart. Which way is PAS heading with its concept of Islamic state?
This distinction is similar to another drawn by the Buddhist scholar-activist Sulak Sivaraksa who decades ago distinguished Buddhism with capital letter (associated with big organisations, government appointments, big power and positions, etc.) and the small letter buddhists who simply put their good religious values into their everyday life and practices. Is this a case of religion being subverted by (state) power or a state subverted by religiously-inspired values? The reply of Bakri Musa to his capital letter “Islamic State” advocates is a good read.
Dear People:
Once again another very interesting article which PAS people ought to read and absorb.
Dr.Syed Alwi,if you are a Muslim,you are a disgrace to the Ummah and above all to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, but if you are not a Muslim then you are slandering Islam and Muslims and you have a very dirty heart for using that nickname!
Jangan melampau dalam berkata-kata tentang agama.
Dear Sir:
I am non-Muslim but find the whole debate of Islamic state interesting (malaysia-today.com). These are my comments.
Is Islamic state a myth or reality? Can the sovereignty of a state be vested to God? Did God give mandate to the State? The concept of statehood did not exist when the prophet s.a.w. had his revelation of Islam in the 7th century.
If Muslims cannot answer these, why crack their heads arguing about Islamic state!
Looks like it is a constant struggle trying to re define Islam within the Muslim community. Shiite Muslims perform the prayer rituals three times a day (some claim they merge the prayers). So is this right” Is it divine? Is hadith, which consist of narration of prophet life, also divine? Why do Muslims not accept differences and instead prefer to fight it out (as with the Sunni and Shiite)? Can man-made laws co exist with God laws? Many more questions!
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